Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Anne Hutnyk led devotions on a Church Health-Transforming Worship. Minutes of the September regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise Bailey was absent, so the treasurer’s report was not voted on. With year-to-date income at $118,734.43 (84%) and operating expenses at $68,611.57 (45%) we have a $50,122.86 surplus.
President’s Report: We have continued worship with Pastor Bruce Davis who will continue to supply through October. We have Pastor Maggie Ainslie scheduled to be in person on October 10.
The compensation numbers were reviewed with Pastor Tim Garman and he was accepting of them. An official Synod form has to be completed and signed by the President, Secretary and Pastor before we can schedule the congregational vote.
Call Committee:The Synod sent a form concerning the Pastoral duties, the compensation and benefits for a Pastor which needs to be completed and then signed by Pastor Timothy Garman, Council President Richard Hollenbach and Council Secretary Gail Achilles. Once the form is completed and signed, the Synod can schedule a date for Pastor Tim to lead a worship service at Faith Lutheran Church and meet our Church family, and then we can hold a congregational vote.
Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel reported that Faith Lutheran kicked off their first week of Sunday school on Oct 3 in person and via zoom on Oct 6, Wednesday. We hope and pray now that Children’s Bible School has officially begun, we will see a continual increase in the number of children seeking Christian education. Missy also will be contacting church members to see who is interested in helping out with a one week summer 2022 Vacation Bible School (VBS). Then a meeting time will be scheduled to go over the VBS program and all the details of implementing an effective and fun program will be discussed. Missy is looking by November to hold this meeting to allow her to order the VBS program at a discounted price by January 2022. It is never too early to begin planning such an important outreach program in our community for the children’s spiritual growth.
Finance:Adam Feldman will confirm with Denise that the 3rdand final payment was made for the furnaces. In addition, Rich confirmed that the $300 a month donation given by the Cross Church is put into General Funds account. We continually pray for their congregation and our continual bond of our love of Jesus Christ.
The Finance Ministry Team will meet again on Thursday, October 28 at 7:00PM to marry the pledges with the proposed budget and send their recommendations to the Faith Congregational Council on Wednesday, November 3, 2021.
Health: Anne Hutnyk is working with Parish Nurse, Nancy Allegrezza to set up Blood Pressure checks outdoors/indoors. Praying for healthy and good outcome.
Property Team: Vince Hill reported that we need our drains and downspouts cleaned out. Very expensive to have this professionally done, therefore Vince and Adam are volunteering to do the work. They can rent a drain camera for $250.00 a day to help locate the blockage (expense was approved in a previous council meeting) and believe this will save the church money in the long run. Thank you, Vince and Adam, for stepping up to get this necessary work accomplished!
Social Ministry: Sharon Hood reported that our very generous congregation contributed a total of 337 afternoon snacks to Manna. We have a generous, loving church family! For October, Barley and Quinoa products are being requested.
Stewardship: Jack Walls could not be present for this meeting, but you can be certain Jack will keep us posted during announcements at Worship Service regarding stewardship.
Transportation: Dale Foster continues to deliver Wawa donated foods and offer transportation to anyone in need.
Worship & Music:Pastor Maggie Ainslie will be at church in person for our October 10 worship service. Pastor Bruce Davis will be available for the remaining Sundays in October.
- Budget discussion for funding new pastor compensation.
- Rich informed us that Pastor Tim (if he should get the Pastor position) requested to have part of his compensation be designated as housing for tax purposes. Also, Rich let us know that Pastor Penman noted the correct value for pastoral benefits which will be updated in the budget.
- Faith Membership updates-
Michael Oscar-Loretti, Melody Oscar and Michael Oscar. All council members voted in favor of this removal request.
New Member Requests (4):
Sis (Dorothy) Rankel, Carmela LaRocco, Margaret O’Neill and John Siebold. All council members voted in favor of this new member request. Welcome new members to Faith Lutheran’s Church Family.
- Coffee hour in Fellowship Hall-- Now permitting coffee hour in Fellowship Hall, with the following protocols to follow: There will be standing, table, and seating distancing, and masks must be worn at all times unless sitting to drink/eat. Our friends from Cross Church will also have use of fellowship hall following the same covid safety requirements. Outside fellowship may continue on fair weather days. All council members voted in favor of holding coffee hour in Fellowship Hall following the before mentioned guidelines.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, at 7pm.
Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Melissa.
Coffee with Council: Sunday,October 10, 2021, after worship.