- & MORE!
– 4PM TO 9PM
(215) 368-0240
Please start bringing your donations of Christmas items, household items, etc. beginning on Sunday, November 5, 2023. (No books or videos this time please.) Any questions, see Alexis or Laura Cooper.
Greetings! You are all invited to our Faith Education Dinner. At this dinner, we will discuss various topics related to the Church and Scripture. This dinner will be held on the second Sunday of the month, this month, Sunday, November 12, 2023, at 5:30-7pm. This dinner is geared toward teens and adults. However, activities will be provided for all ages. Come eat and learn!
The “Golden Girls of Faith” (Golden Men are welcome too!) will be meeting once a month for lunch, fellowship and prayer at a local restaurant. They will meet the first Wednesday of the month which will be November 1, 2023, this month.
For more information or if you need a ride, please talk to Anna Friedrich. All are welcome!
Faith’s Transportation Initiative
If you need a ride to church on Sunday or you are interested in providing a ride to church to someone, please contact Dale Foster.
We currently receive donations of WAWA Food through the Food Donation Connection. We may receive anything from sizzlies, to breakfast burritos, to lunch sandwiches, to muffins, to sweet treats, to hot dogs...anything they didn’t sell the day before and have now frozen. If you are in need of some supplemental food or know of someone who is, please let either Janet Hill in the church office or Dale Foster know and we will make sure you receive some Wawa food.
The choir practices in the choir room on Tuesday nights at 7pm. We are always looking for fresh faces and happy voices to lift their praise to the Lord on Tuesday nights and Sunday mornings. If you have any questions, please see Laura Cooper, Music Director
Last month’s Fall Scrapbook Fundraiser for Faith Lutheran Church raised $865. Thank you to Chris Jones and Debbie Hollenbach for facilitating this fundraiser!
We made $80.36 in profit from the Wawa Hoagie Sale on October 8, 2023. Thank you everyone who participated in this delicious Fundraiser!
November 5th is All Saints’ Sunday, where we remember those who have passed away in the past year. If you would like someone included in the prayers that day, please let Janet in the church office know.
“For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below--there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 (GNT)
Clothing Container Fundraising Program
Church Family, we now have a clothing donation box behind the church. It is located near the driveway to the Pine Tree Ridge development. The church will receive $50 per month for having the bin there. So please clean out your closets and fill up the bin…and tell your friends and family about it too. See below for more information and what is an acceptable donation and what is not. Thank you!
Help your community place their unwanted/gently used clothing, shoes, apparel & linens in our clothing collection containers. This saves our landfills and gives back to low income families in need! In return, this program raises funds for local non-profits and organizations in our communities. Currently, we help raise funds for the American Cancer Fund, Rotary International, Eden Autism, and many other local non-profits.
They accept: Adult & Children Clothing, Shoes, Handbags, Purses, Sandals, Sneakers, Boots, Jackets, Coats, Rain Gear, Leathers, Belts, Ties, Pants, Shirts, Sweaters, Vests, Blouses, Dresses, Skirts, Robes, Undergarments, Sheets, Pillowcases, Towels, Linens, Tablecloths, Hats, Scarfs, Gloves, Wallets, Jewelry, Watches, Uniforms, Jerseys, Backpacks, New Diapers, Household Items, Utensils, Hard & Soft Toys, Electronics, Bicycles & Small Bric-A-Brac Items.
They do not accept: Any merchandise that has holes, rips, stains, mold or has an odor and is wet.
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28 (NASB)
Sunday School: Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church new Sunday School hours will be at 9:30am during the worship service.
Our teachers are Nancy Gansner, Anna Friedrich, & Gail Achilles
Classes are held during Worship Service in the Church’s Sunday School Room
The children will leave worship service after the Pastor-led children’s sermon and return to worship service before the rite of Holy Communion.
Please call the Church office 215-368-0240 or email [email protected] to register your child for Sunday School.
Any questions or comments, contact Gail Achilles, Christian Education Chair
We are looking forward in sharing Jesus’ love and word with your Child(ren).
Proverbs 22:6 ESV Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Our Monday Night Bible Study group will be reading, studying, and discussing the book, "What Happens When Women Walk in Faith," by Lysa Terkeurst. They meet on Zoom on Monday nights from 7-9pm. The book study began on September 25th and will end on December 11th. If you would like to grow in your relationship with Jesus and fortify your Faith in fellowship, please join us. Here is the zoom link:
Meeting ID: 844 9350 5997 Passcode: 196585
All are welcome to join, please contact Gail Achilles if interested.
Parents’ Night Out (PNO) – Youth Fellowship (YF)
Looking for a night out and a fun, safe place to bring the kids?
Well, look no further! We here at Faith Lutheran Church are ready to care for your child(ren) in a safe environment, provide food and fun activities, and share the love of Jesus.
The children will have dinner when they arrive consisting of pizza or chicken nuggets, grape and apple slices with caramel dip, water, 100% fruit juice, then enjoy music, games, crafts, stories, and end the evening with popcorn and a movie!
PNO-YF is held on a Friday from 6 pm to 9 pm. The schedule is: 2023 - Nov 17, Dec 1 and 8
If interested, please register at and click on the PNO – YF tab
or call 215-368-0240.
Note: A minimum donation of $5.00 per child is suggested so we can provide future youth events.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Faith Lutheran Church, 615 Cowpath Road
Montgomeryville, PA 18936
Email: [email protected]
Where the Word of Jesus is spoken, heard, and lived
Lord, when did we see you...?
The purpose of the Social Ministry Team is to follow Jesus' commandment to love one another as he loved us. To offer opportunities to our congregation to be good and faithful servants. To share the love and truth of Jesus Christ and to offer hope to all God's children by giving of our time, our money and ourselves to our church, our community, and the world.
A Bakeless Bake Sale to support the Fisher House Foundation
It’s time to find out what happened to all those dessert recipes that were collected during the month of October!!
Well, they will be available for a donation to the “cookie jar” on the table in the foyer!! The proceeds from this project will be sent to support the Fisher House Foundation. The Fisher House is a charity and foundation that builds comfort homes where military & veteran’s families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital. Fisher Houses are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide, and, in Europe, close to the medical center or hospital it serves. Fisher House Foundation ensures that there is never a lodging fee. Any questions, see Nancy Gansner.
THANK YOU “FAITH FAMILY” for Sharing with the Children of 141 Impact (our September Project)
As always, your Social Ministry team is very grateful for your generous support of these special children in Uganda. Their parents are very appreciative as well.
Your generous donation of $177 will buy a lot of books for these children; surpassing our goal of $150.
SHARING CHRISTMAS WITH “Christopher,” “Helena,” and “Charles” FROM MARTIN LUTHER SCHOOL now known as GEMMA SERVICESMartin Luther School/Gemma Services “where hope shines” in Plymouth Meeting was founded as an orphanage. It now provides a home, treatment, education and other services for boys and girls, ages 6 to 14, who have experienced past traumas, including abuse, neglect and poverty. All services are provided in a nurturing environment that promotes recovery, resilience and, where possible, families reunited.
Your social ministry team is asking you to support the following children.
Christopher age 9 basketball, Lego set (he
loves cars,) puzzle
Helena age 10 stuffed cat, cat-themed
coloring book, gel pen set
Charles age 12 art set and sketch pad,
“How to Draw Animals”
book, Bop-It game
These gifts will be on display on Sunday, December 10. After the church service, you will be asked to make your donations toward our goal of $180.
Your Christian love for these children is most appreciated by the School and especially by the children. As they unwrap their presents, know it brings them great joy and excitement knowing others care so very much!
May your holidays be blessed as you are blessing these children! -In Christ, Sharon Hood
Check out the can in the Fellowship Hall to recycle aluminum cans. Not only does it help the environment, but it will generate some cash for the church. Beth Schoening has volunteered to empty the can periodically and take the cans to the recycling center. So, if you have any aluminum cans at home, please bring them in and it will help the earth and Faith Church! Thank you! (Make sure they are aluminum though…if a magnet does not attach to it, it’s aluminum.) Thank you to everyone who is filling the can!
Scrapbooking weekend at Faith Lutheran Church Friday, November 3, 2023, 9:00am–10:00pm and Saturday, November 4, 2023, 9:00am-6:00pm
If you shop at Redner’s, please save your receipts. Anna Friedrich turns them in and the church receives a monetary donation from Redner’s. All you need to do is to put your receipts in the labeled basket outside of the sanctuary. Thank you to those who bring in their receipts and to Anna who does the paperwork to receive this donation! Please note that when bringing in your receipts we need the entire receipt. Please do not tear off the bottom. Redner’s will not accept the receipt if the bottom is torn off.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 (NIV)