Council was called to order by President Debbie Hollenbach and commenced with devotions from Melissa Prunkel and from Psalm 124.
Present: Lauren Allegrezza, Gary Apgar, Pastor G, Deb Hollenbach, Sharon Hood, Linda Kratz, Missy Prunkel, and Jack Walls.
New Business:
- Insurance claim for destroyed church sign. Options for replacement. Information sheets from Janet Hill and Adam Feldman are included. We have two options for handling:
- Option A: Go with the insurance of the woman who is responsible for the accident, which may result in us getting nothing due to her limits and the other more serious claims (although we questioned this since we were wondering why it wouldn’t then become a personal responsibility). The other issue is the amount of time that we’d need to wait for the process to run its course.
- Option B: Go with our insurance company (Selective), pay the $500 deductible and have them pay what they will towards a new sign.
- After much discussion, the following action items were taken:
- PastorG will request information and recommendations from fellow-clergy.
Debbie will ask Dale to do the following:
- Contact the township on rules for lighted signage.
- Contact Willow Living Branches to check status of the sign that is for sale.
- Get a third quote (including digital) so we can
- compare various options with their features and
- benefits.
Our annual meeting is being scheduled with our insurance agent – Selective. Janet, Debbie and Pastor G need to attend) and we can discuss some of the signage issues (currently dealing with a claims agent).
All approved that Adam should proceed with making a temporary sign.
All approved that we should proceed down the path of going through our own insurance (not the responsible party’s insurance).
Proposed 2020 Budget and Stewardship Plan
- We reviewed the current proposed budget (based
- on the ministry teams’ submissions). The next still
- will be to collect pledges, then revise as necessary.
- The finance team and Pastor will write the congregational letter with regard to pledges, time and talent, as well as what we are doing our church in the coming year. It was suggested that the letter include stats of giving: Ask Janet for a breakdown of the 90 giving units by weekly pledge amounts and what percentage of the budget each amount covers. This is scheduled to go out on October 13.
- Commitment Sunday is November 17 and pledges and talent sheets will be collected at that time.
- For the Stewardship plan, it was suggested that we look at the ELCA website for new ideas.
- The members who do not pledge are the biggest “unknown” for planning a budget, so we need to find out why.
- It was suggested that the current version of the budget (and please include a “current” date in the footer) should be made available for those interested (it will not be sent to all). The Finance Team would then be available November 3 and 10 to answer any questions.
Secretary’s Report:
- The minutes from September’s meeting were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report: At the end of September, or 75% of the budget year, receipts were at 76% and expenses at 61% with a surplus of $36,660.45. Endowment: $86,9377; VBS Fund: $15,033; Mortgage: $189,824
President’s Report:
- Nominating Committee for Annual Meeting 2020. Since this was not done at the Annual meeting, council recommended the following possible names for this role: David Bonthu (as retiring council member), Mary Lou Foster, and Edna Boehmler. If they accept, they will be voted on at the next congregational meeting (which will be sometime this year).
- The following council members have expiring terms: Debbie Hollenbach (not eligible for re-election) and Jack Walls (eligible for re-election). Lauren is considering a sabbatical for 2020. We recommend that we try to bring the council membership back up to 9 people.
Pastor’s Report:
- It is standard procedure to have the congregation provide a gift to the out-going Dean. Council approved a prayer shawl, a $100 William Penn Inn gift certificate, and a $25 GIANT gift card. Pastor will also be attending the new Bishop’s convocation.
- Transition Team: Pastor and the transition team are reviewing MSP and making changes based on the last council review. Along with the revised MSP which is submitted online, a “package” is also to be submitted. This would include our budget, the Mustard Seed, etc.
- Call Team: Members will be meeting in the next couple of weeks.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education:
- The new carpet has been ordered and should be installed shortly. Cost was under $200. Sunday School is up and running! Make sure that all teachers have updated Clearances on file in the office. They are good for 5 years, so renewals will need to start in June of 2020.
- Presentation of 2020 Budget is under New Business.
- Upcoming Events - Scrapbook Fundraiser on October 4-5. Wawa Hoagies on October 6.
- Remember to buy your GIANT gift cards! 8
Property/Building Usage:
- The potholes (to be discussed at next meeting).
- Fall Workday has been scheduled for Saturday, October 17, 9-noon
- Front tree trimming estimates were provided, but we need
- more information on the need for the services.
- The sexton has requested that we look into electric
- suppliers to see if we can get better rates. The Property Committee needs to discuss and provide a proposal to the council for approval.
Social Ministry:
- October project is the CROP WALK.
- Met on September 17 and set up schedule of projects for
- 2020 and discussed several names of congregation members to approach for membership on the committee. The calendar of events will be provided in October.
- E-giving launch was September 15. With regard to Vanco:
- Most churches see an increase in pledged giving with the
- use of on-line giving, so we’ll see if it works for us as
- well, as our pledged giving is down.
- It was noted that if using Vanco with a credit card, the
- individual can only cover the fees to Vanco, not the
- credit card usage fees.
- Jack was asked to create a fact sheet with FAQs for
- handouts and a Mustard Seed article.
- Pledge procedure for 2020 budget was discussed under new business.
Worship & Music:
- Adam was tasked with purchasing a computer for Laura. It was purchased and given to Laura on September 29.
- A meeting was held on Tuesday, October 1. Notes will be reviewed at next month’s council meeting.
- Meeting on August 29:
- We also need job descriptions for the sexton, secretary, and organist/choir director. For these, the Mutual Ministry team and Pastor G should meet to write the descriptions. Then council will need to approve them. Then they will be provided to the employee for acceptance.
Old Business:
- The Lower Montgomery Conference Assembly is on Tuesday, October 8, at 7 pm at Good Shepherd in King of Prussia. Debbie and Dale will be attending. Gary is alternate, Names need to be sent to our current Dean, Pastor DeWerth, by October 4.
- Linda and Debbie have been tasked with writing an acceptable use policy for the employees who use computers purchased by the church. Also, to be developed is a system to make sure that all important information is being backed up and that the computer’s access information is on file.
- Follow-up of letter by Congregational Member – there has been a lot of interest in the Adult Forum sessions about the ELCA.