Recently the Budget of Faith Evangelical Church of Montgomeryville had a professional financial review which the Synod requires as part of the Call Process. Tracey Beasley, a CPA, and Lutheran Treasurer herself, suggested several changes to streamline our budget and finances. As part of the changes the Finance Team authorized the opening of an interest-bearing savings account at Univest and moved the Memorial monies into that account. Here at Faith we are very thankful and moved by the members of the congregation, friends and family who have given money to Faith in the name of their loved ones.
As recommended, in order to streamline and reduce the paperwork of administering these funds, we will combine the smaller funds into a line called “General Memorial Funds.” Any fund that contains over $1,000 or has specific use designation will continue to be a named fund. The Faith Church Office will continue to keep a record of all the Memorial Funds that are received, thank you notes will continue to be sent out, and families of those who’ve died will continue to receive a general letter reporting about those memorials, but on the budget paperwork, only the Memorials over $1,000 will be named. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Financial Secretary, Janet Hill at the church office (215-368-0240) or the Financial Ministry Chair, Deb Hollenbach at [email protected].
Christian Education
This year we’re going to experiment with offering a “Sunday School” program on Wednesdays at 4:30pm for about 30 to 45 minutes!
We are planning to begin with lessons about the Old Testament using the virtual, online program called “Whirl.” Many of the children already are familiar with the Whirl program.
Go to, click on “Join a Meeting” and put in Meeting ID: 840 6222 9750 and Passcode: 491719. To phone in dial 1 929 205 6099 and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.
We look forward to this new way to share the love of Jesus with so many more families in their homes via zoom!
For more information see, Melissa Prunkel, Education Leader
Movie Night in October
We’ll be having a Halloween themed movie night on Friday, October 9th. We’ll be watching “Hocus Pocus” at 6:30pm in the church parking lot. So bring your blankets and snacks to enjoy in your socially-distanced cars. For more information talk to Beth Schoening.
Finance Committee News
The finance committee is spending long September hours drafting a 2021 budget proposal. In October we will make this draft available for the congregation. During this time we ask you to begin to prayerfully consider your commitment to our congregational life in a variety of ways- your financial support (pledge) and also what gifts and time do you have to offer to the mission and ministry we are building and growing? Be looking for news from your financial team in the next few weeks to help you to consider, fill out and return your commitment sheets.
Since we will not be meeting in person to receive your commitment sheet, you will be able to hand them in in one of three ways - via email, dropping it in the mail slot at church or mailing it in the US mail. We will have a Commitment Sunday celebration in early November so we will be ready to present and vote on the final budget at our January annual meeting.
God has blessed us so richly. We are blessed to joyfully offer what we have first been given.
E-Giving Through Vanco
We continue to encourage online giving through Vanco.
* Electronic gifts are fast and secure
* Recurring donations can be scheduled and managed
* Giving can be with your credit card or banking information
Electronic giving has really benefitted our church during this time when we haven’t been able to worship in person.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up for online giving and also for those of you who continue to mail in your pledges!
If you would like to give electronically, click here. If you need help signing up or have any questions, please contact Jack Walls at (484) 433-7420.