Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar and commenced with devotions from Linda Kratz from Psalm 147. Minutes of the August 12, 2020 regular council meeting was approved as written.
President’s Report: Things are going well despite being virtual. Virtual Vacation Bible School went well along with Zoom worship and Zoom meetings.
Treasurer’s Report:
With year to date income at $112,936.26 (74%) and operating expenses at $70,232.01 (46%) we have a $42,704.25 surplus.
We have a $4903 deficit for August, non-pledged giving is only at 43%. Adam Feldman had a few questions for clarification and correction that were addressed. The treasurer’s report with the corrections made was unanimously accepted.
Pastor’s Report: The finance team has made great strides and following up on the financial review and recommendations from Tracey Beasley. VBS went well, especially doing it virtually.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education:
· Kids Sunday School will be on Wednesdays at 4:30pm starting September 16. A new family who attend VBS will join. We have two teachers lined up so far. The Monday night small group will be beginning Pastor Nelson’s “Alpha and Omega” book on September 14th.
- We need to let Lauren Allegrezza Krupp know about any updates for web page and Facebook especially for Sunday School and other announcements.
- Doug Renner will be setting up a meeting in September.
- See Finance meeting notes in new business.
- Linda is looking into Amazon Smile to get a percentage of purchases as another source for our church. Provided information but still waiting.
- Remember to buy your GIANT gift cards!
- Cards were sent to all members including college students and friends of Faith.
Social Ministry:
- We can still donate to : Manna on Main Street - Keystone Opportunity Center -
- We need to encourage e-giving! Jack Walls to give a temple talk on e-giving before a service on September 20th. Pledges for 2021 should be both email and paper copies.
- Dale Foster is still dropping off food to homebound members.
Worship & Music:
- We will be back to 10:30am worship on September 6th. Adult Sunday School will return at 9am on September 20th. The next meeting is Thursday, September 3rdat 7pm.
Mutual Ministry:
- Gary is working to appoint new team members.
Hospitality and Fellowship:
- There was a discussion about a letter from Beth Schoening for October social events. There were several members concerned about the candy distribution and it will probably be too dark in October for crafts outside and we can’t do inside. The consensus of council is only do the movies.
- Armed Intruder information–Postponed until we are back in the church.
- Update on constitution.Pastor Mary is checking with the Synod on updating our constitution. She has another contact at the Synod to follow up.
- Proposed Acceptable Computer Use Policy -Distributed in November 2019 to read. Still pending additions pertaining to PCI Compliant language. Rich Hollenbach and Jack to discuss additional wording needed. Rich will schedule a call with Jack to complete this.
- Financial update: Financial review was approved so the call committee can move forward. We need to send a letter and communicate the status to the congregation. Pastor Mary and Gary to put together. This will happen in September along with the annual stewardship letter.
- Reopening the church task force update: We need to schedule a meeting in September.
- Financial update -
- Request to change distribution of our Thrivent account, 25% from Global account to US Tech fund. Motion was made and approved for the finance team to act on this recommendation from Thrivent.
- Janet Hill received 500 masks from a government grant which can be distributed to members when we open the building.
- There are only two Lutheran churches locally opened right now although there are many churches in the area which are holding in-person services with limits, mostly outside services. Before the next council meeting, we need to check with the insurance company and get a recommendation from the Reopening Task Force
- Rally Day discussion - Sunday, September 13 after 10:30am service at 12:30pm will be another parking lot picnic.
- The 2021 budget planning has started and worksheets have been sent to all team chairs which are due back to the Finance Team by September 13th. The Finance Team will then meet to put together the 2021 preliminary budget.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at 7pm.