This year we’re going to return to an in-personSunday School program during the 10:30 a.m. serviceas well as continue with a “Sunday School” program on Wednesdays at 4:30pm via zoom!
With everyone’s busy schedules and feelings about safety, we are happy to offer more options for children to learn about the Bible and our loving Heavenly Father. We will be starting up on Sunday, October 3,2021 with teachers, Gail Achilles and Anita Halpern. And then on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 with teachers, Nancy Gansner and Gail Achilles. We will be using the Whirl curriculum, following lessons that go along with the lectionary (the lessons that are read each week.)
Please come on Sunday morning or contact the church office at [email protected] if you would like to be part of the Wednesday zoom class. (Please make sure we have your email address so we can send you the zoom link. Materials will also be sent to those participating on zoom. A Bible will be provided to your child if they do not have one. Please let us know.)
The lessons for October are:
Oct. 3 & 6: Jesus Blesses the Children Mark 10:2-16
Oct. 10 & 13: A Camel through A Needle Mark 10:17-31
Oct. 17 & 20: James and John Mark 10:35-45
Oct. 24 & 27: Jesus Heals Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52
Oct. 31 & Nov. 3: The First Commandment Mark 12:28-34
For more information see, Melissa Prunkel, Education Leader
Adult Forum Bible Study
Adult Forum for adults is studying 1 and 2 Timothy. They will continue on Zoom for the foreseeable future. Please consider joining using the link below.
All are welcome!
For more information or to get Zoom link, please see, Rich Hollenbach, Leader, or Janet Hill in the church office
Monday Night Bible Study
This Bible Study will meet at 7pm on Monday nights via zoom. They are studying “Finding I Am” by Lysa Terkeurst. It is a 10-week study which began on September 20, 2021.
All are welcome to attend anytime.
If you have questions or would like the Zoom link: Call Gail Achilles on her home phone at (215) 675-1359 and leave a message and she’ll call you back.
Altar Flowers
We again have beautiful fresh flowers on the altar! Hatfield Flowers and Gifts ((215) 822-1530) provides Faith with two lovely flower arrangements to adorn our sanctuary.
You can sign up to sponsor flowers, bulletins or a food basket. The flowers are still $35, the bulletins are $10 and the food basket is $25.
You can dedicate any one of these things to someone special, to celebrate a birthday or in memory of a loved one. You may take the flowers home or they will be given to an ill or homebound member. The $10 for the bulletins is to help cover the cost of making the bulletins and the $25 for the food basket is money donated to “Manna on Main Street” to help feed those in the North Penn area.
To sign up for a particular Sunday either sign up on the chart on the Foyer bulletin board or call Janet in the church office (215) 368-0240.
“Lord, when did we see you…”
The social ministry team has decided that for the balance of this year, we will support Manna with needed items.
In September our Faith family donated 78 cans of tomatoes/sauce/paste. We received this letter of thanks from Manna:
Thank you very much for your generous donation of food, tomatoes, sauce, pasta to Manna on Main Street. Your support, particularly at this time, is allowing us to continue serving those in need throughout this changing and uncertain time.
Since mid-March 2020—when we first saw school closures, stay-at-home orders, and job furloughs—more and more individuals and families have safely visited Manna for groceries and to-go meals. The number of those visiting Manna has remained at a consistently high level, while we provide groceries to over one thousand households and distribute several thousand meals each month.
Manna has always been a place of hope for those needing support during a difficult season. Over the past year, our mission has taken on new meaning as we continually modify our operations to safely and consistently provide meals and groceries for everyone in our community needing food and to help many with emergency financial assistance.
Weknow that the significant need for food and essential services will not go away when the pandemic begins to lift. The effects of unemployment and loss of income will be felt for months, if not years, into the future, and we plan to continue supporting our community as it finds its footing.
Sincerely, Suzan Neiger Gould, Executive Director
PS-Manna now accepts non-perishable food donations at our warehouse located at Lansdale Business Center (650 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale). Donations may be dropped off Monday through Friday, only, from 9am to 5pm. We appreciate you using this drop off location as it helps with food distribution planning and logistics.
For the month of October, we are requesting donations of quinoa and barley products, in an effort to provide healthier choices for those in our community. Bring your donations to church weekly, put them in the purple “barney bin” (in the coat closet), and at the end of the month they will be delivered to Manna.
Galatians 5:13 - For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity to indulge your flesh, but through love serve one another.
In September the finance team worked on putting together the 2022 preliminary budget. On Sunday, September 26ththat budget was made available to the congregation. (If you did not receive your packet, please contact Janet in the church office.)
During this time we ask you to prayerfully consider your commitment to our congregational life in a variety of ways- your financial support (pledge) and also what gifts and time do you have to offer to the mission and ministry we are building and growing?
Included in the budget packet was a commitment sheet. On Sunday, October 17, 2021 we will be returning our sheets with our commitment for 2022. To submit your pledge you may bring it into church that day (or before), email it to Janet Hill (our Financial Secretary) at [email protected], drop it in the mail slot at church or mail it to church in the US mail. As we move closer to calling a new pastor we will have to know we are financially sound as we look forward to this exciting chapter in the life of Faith Lutheran Church.
The Finance Team will then meet to marry the pledges with the budget before presenting it to Council on November 3rd.
The final budget will be presented to the congregation and voted on at our January annual meeting.
God has blessed us so richly. We are blessed to joyfully offer what we have first been given.