Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Sharon Hood led devotions on a Church Health-Authentic Spirituality. Minutes of the August regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise Bailey pointed out that Net Revenue was minus $50.00 but is optimistic we will make it up in September. All members voted in favor of approving the treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $104,061.20 (74%) and operating expenses at $54,642.57 (367%) we have a $49,418.63 surplus.
President’s Report: We have continued worship with Pastor Bruce Davis who will continue to supply through October. We have Pastor Maggie Ainslie scheduled to be in person on September 19.
Our new Korean congregation will start on Sunday, September 12 at 1:30 p.m.
Council voted to proceed with Pastor Tim Garman as our pastoral candidate and we will be discussing the next steps in New Business.
Call Committee:As Gail Achilles reported last month we, the call committee, forwarded Pastor Tim Garman to the next step in the process of calling a Pastor for Faith Lutheran Church, which is the Council Interview. The Council Interview took place in person at Faith Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 29, at 2 pm. All nine council members were present along with Pastor Garman. Carol Taylor, representative from the Call Committee, assisted Pastor Garman while we voted after out interview. Our nine church council members voted 8 yes and 1 no. Therefore, we are moving Pastor Tim Garman to the next step of the call process, which is leading a worship service for the Faith Lutheran Church congregation and then taking the congregational vote. The date has not yet been identified.
Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel proposed having Sunday school during the worship service and once a month or biweekly on Wednesday afternoon via zoom. She has two teachers available for in church Sunday School during worship service and two teachers who will do zoom “Sunday School” probably on Wednesday 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm. The curriculum will be Sparkhouse which will work for both in church and on zoom. Missy will contact the Parents of the children in the congregation to record their preference. Monday night bible study will resume on Zoom at 7 pm on September 13. We will discuss and decide at that time our first course of study. Adult Forum plans to resume at 9 am on September 19. All are welcome to join either or both study sessions.
Finance:Adam Feldman reported that the Finance Team will be meeting on September 17, 2021 to start 2022 budget preparations.
Fundraising: Sharon Hood asked for a vote on full approval for scrapbooking fundraiser (point of contact: Chris Jones). This is planned for Oct 22, 23 with a limit of 12 attendees who will practice all protocol of covid restrictions. All council members voted in favor to approve this scrapbooking fundraiser. Rich asked Sharon to forward this information to Linda, Chair of Fundraising, and to Chris Jones.
Health: Anne Hutnyk will touch base with Nancy Allegrezza, details to follow.
Hospitality/Fellowship: Janet Hill and Anne have been cleaning up the kitchen so it is usable whenever the ban is lifted. They thoughtfully cleaned out two cupboards for the Korean Church’s use when the ban is lifted.
Property Team: The sign is up and the insurance check will cover the full expense for the sign and permit. Vince Hill reported that when the contractors for the furnaces opened up the ceiling tiles to complete their work, they informed Vince that insulation is needed to cover the pipes. Vince is checking into this to determine if this is something he would be capable of accomplishing and save on the cost of the work. Vince will follow-up with his findings at our next council meeting. Melissa Prunkel thanked Vince and Adam for the loan of chairs for an event she coordinated at work. She was very grateful for the outreach of hospitality.
Shepherding: Sharon Hood reported that the shepherding team received two thank you cards for the good work of the shepherding mission. Sharon was very appreciative for their kindness. “What goes around comes around!”
Social Ministry: In September we will be collecting “healthy” afternoon snacks for Manna on Main Street.
Special Funds:. Sanctuary A/C repair request: $381.45 -Approved and processed. Third and final furnace check request in September and will be paid.
Stewardship: Jack Walls plans to make an announcement on September 12 to the congregation. Jack will meet with Pastor Penman regarding stewardship ideas. Missy talked about bringing up pledge increases in the future, probably in October. Pastor Penman remarked that he noticed our congregation takes pledging and tithing seriously. Thank you for noticing we are a spirit led congregation.
Transportation: Dale Foster is still distributing food where there is a need and providing transportation when a need arises. Thank you, Dale!
Worship & Music:Services move back to 10:30 a.m. in September.
Pastor Bruce Davis has been scheduled through the end of October and Pastor Maggie Ainslie will be in person for the third Sunday in September and October.
Real flowers starting up again, sign-up chart posted in the Foyer.
- Startup Korean Congregation Request -
- Starting on Sunday, September 12that 1:30 p.m.
- Budget discussion for funding new pastor compensation (work in progress.) Council had a review of the SEPA Synod Compensation Guidelines for Pastors and discussed some options with Pastor Penman. Council will continue working out the details as we more toward an offer for Pastor Garman.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at 7pm.
Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Anne.
Coffee with Council: Sunday, September 12, 2021, after worship.