Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Devotions were led by Linda Kratz. Minutes of the August regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council reviewed the August 2022 treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $74,432.32 (68%) and operating expenses at $64,345.06 (41%) we have a $10.087.26 surplus at the end of August 2022. After some discussion about the Food Basket money (which is money donated to Manna on Main Street) all members voted to approve the August 2022 Treasurer’s Report.
President’s Report: Pastor Bruce is our Bridge Pastor until end of September 2022, and we will revisit extending this agreement if necessary. Still waiting on Synod office for preaching date for Vicar Ethan Doan. Rich talked to Pastor Sarah about meeting with Living Word Lutheran Church in Roslyn, Pa, regarding sharing a Pastor. It was suggested to Pastor Sarah to have the Council Executive Team represent council after Rich pointed how difficult it is to have 9 people present all at the same time. We are the calling church with compensating a pastor for 3/4 time and Living Word would compensate for the Pastor 1/4 time. Rich recommended that both churches should have Sunday worship service at the same time and as the calling church we would have the Pastor in person 3/4 Sundays zooming to Living Word’s congregation and Living Word would have the Pastor in person the fourth Sunday zooming to Faith Lutheran’s congregation. The exact details will be worked out and approved by each council.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Bruce Davis said that he is happy to stay as our Bridge Pastor as long as we need him. Council thanked him for his service, and his offer to stay on if it becomes necessary.
Ministry Team Reports:
* Call Committee: Gail Achilles, Call Committee Chair, reported that we are waiting on a date from the Synod for the congregational meeting. Sent compensation package (signed by Vicar Ethan on 8-22-22 and Council President Rich Hollenbach and Council Secretary Gail Achilles on 8-21-22) to Synod for their approval and coordination of date for Vicar Ethan to preach and for the congregational meeting
- Christian Education: Gail Achilles reported that Melissa Prunkel is stepping down as Co-Chair of Christian Education. Church Council expressed its appreciation of Missy’s past five years servicing this Ministry.
Monday Night Small Group will be meeting for dinner on September 19 to discuss and choose our first course of study. We will meet thereafter each Monday from 7 pm to 9 pm via zoom starting Sep 26 through May 22 (with the exception of some Mondays near Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.)
Men’s Group has a once-a-month social fellowship dinner meeting.
There is no Adult Forum at the present time..
- Communications: Sign – quotations updates: Jack Walls will update this Sunday, September 11, 2022. He will set up a date with Rich sometime this coming week to make a promotional video message. Jack will meet with Janet Hill regarding any web site updates.
- Finance: - Janet Hill has sent out and received back the Preliminary Budget Worksheets from the Ministry Teams at Faith. The Finance Team will be meeting on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00PM to put together a preliminary budget. The Preliminary Budget/ Pledge Packets will be available to the congregation on Sunday, September 25 and Treasurer Deb Hollenbach would like to do a Temple Talk on that day to introduce the packets to the congregation. Commitment Sunday has been scheduled for Sunday, October 16th. Sharon Hood reported that the audit is scheduled for September 17, 2022, from 9am to 1pm.
- Fundraising: Linda Kratz reported that the money raised at the Ice Cream Sundae Fundraiser on August 12, 2022, is to be advised. There was a scrapbooking proposal from Emily Gallo for 1 to 4 scrapbooking events in 2023. All council members approved Emily’s Scrapbooking proposal.
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Anne Hutnyk reported that the Coffee Hour Sponsor list has been updated. There will be football type snacks on cookie can sale day and there will be no coffee hour on Christmas Day since it falls on a Sunday this year. Anne also reported that she will donate this year’s Christmas tree and that it needs to be tagged by November.
- Mutual Ministry: Will meet with staff in September.
- Property Team: AC Unit Repair $2434.12: Rich stated to Vince Hill to send this invoice to Finance Team and then it will go to Special Funds for payment from a chosen fund. Melissa reported to Vince that the Morgan Street side parking lot has a pothole to be filled. Vince said that he would see that it gets repaired.
- Social Ministry: Sharon Hood reported that September’s social ministry project is collecting snacks for Manna. Sharon also reported that the Operation Kid to Kid raised $337.00 to purchase necessary school supplies for Native American Children.
- Special Funds: Rich reported that special funds will get the AC Unit Repair invoice of $2434.12 from Finance and coordinate approval.
- Stewardship: Jack will make an announcement on 9/18 to the congregation.
- Transportation: Linda Kratz reported that Wawa food deliveries have resumed.
- Worship & Music: Choir will resume in September, practice Tuesday nights at 7pm.
- New Copier – Rich reported that we will be getting an upgraded model.
- Coffee Hour sponsors are listed in the bulletin each week.
- Parking Request: Rich reminded Vince that he needs to present the amended copy of our current agreement with Pinetree Ridge Condominium Association regarding their parking request and send it to council for our approval.
- Wooden Nativity Set: On behalf of the Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church Congregation, council will send out a thank you note immediately for this very kind and thoughtful donation. Linda suggested and council agreed that after it is set up for the Christmas holiday that we take a picture of it to send to the donor.
- Position descriptions: Council reviewed the position description of the church Admin/Secretary. All council members voted in favor of approving the secretary job description.