Council was called to order by President Gary Apgar. Council Minutes of the August council retreat were approved as written. The Treasurer’s Reports from August were approved as written.
President’s Report: Our retreat at United Lutheran Seminary was awesome! We had our August council meeting in the morning. We had a worship service in a Labyrinth. And we did some asset mapping. It was good to get together with our fellow council members! Also, our outdoor service with Grace Lutheran church went very well. I would like to thank everyone involved in all the things that needed to be done to make this service happen! Hopefully we will do some more things together in the future.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor continues to provide pastoral care, provide ministry leadership, teach the Faith, participate in the Community and Wider Church, and learn for Ministry.
Ministry Team Reports:
Christian Education: Sunday School: Looking forward to Rally Day (September 10), Backpack Blessing, and our new Sunday School time during Worship Service. Children will leave the service after the children’s sermon and return to service before the rite of Holy Communion.
Parents’ Night Out – Youth Fellowship (PNO-YF): Our next PNO-YF event will be on September 15.
Monday Night Bible Study (MNBS): Our first meeting will be on September 11. Over the summer months, we read “A Rose in a Ditch” by Julie Henning. We will discuss her book at our first two meetings and also decide on our next study, which will start at our September 25 meeting.
Fellowship: Julie Henning 9/23 @1:00 pm - No cost but will be distributing tickets upon request so we know how much food to order. Sharon Hood will make up flyers and Debbie Hollenbach is making up the tickets. If we do free will giving then proceeds will go to the Pearl S. Buck foundation.
Finance: At approx. 67% of the year in the books, member pledged giving is at 57%, and Member unpledged giving is at 58%. Both are a bit low but hopefully as people return from their summer vacations, we will catch up. Loose plate offering is still up over our projections. At this point, our budget deficit increased by $3,201.74, leaving us with a total deficit of $21,970.44. The expenses for the month seemed to be as expected. The Team has begun the process to put together a proposed budget for fiscal year 2024. Janet Hill is collecting proposed budgets from the various Ministry Teams. The Team will meet on Thursday, September 14, to put together a proposed budget and prepare the pledge packet to go out to the congregation on Sunday, September 24. Debbie Hollenbach, as Ministry Team Chairperson, will speak to the congregation about the proposed budget and pledge process on that day. Pledge Sunday is scheduled for Sunday, October 8.
Fundraising: Upcoming scrapbooking fundraisers are coming in October & November.
Long-Range Planning: Pastor to schedule a meeting.
Mutual Ministry: The mutual ministry team consists of Rich Hollenbach, Ernie Achilles, and Cheryl Harbeck. We will begin having meetings with the church staff this month and provide the report at the October council meeting.
Property Team: The date for the fall clean-up day is still TBD and that will also be the date that the pothole is filled. Thanks to John and Carol Taylor for the loaner microwave since the old one broke. A new one has been donated and we’re keeping the Taylor’s unit as a back-up.
Shepherding: After meeting with Pastor, the team sent out cards to our membership that will included a flyer about Rally Day and the change in worship time to 9:30am.
Social Ministry: August, we joined this year’s VBS fundraiser “Operation Kid to Kid” to collect funds for Bibles and discipleship opportunities provided through World Vision. In September we will be collecting money to purchase books for children through 141 Impact. Our goal is $150.
Stewardship: Kicks off this month.
Worship & Music: Next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 17, at 7 PM at the church.
OLD BUSINESS Constitution Update – Draft in review by Executive Committee. Moving the library books to be more accessible. What “things” did we stop doing because of Covid and/or lack of permanent Pastor? Should we look to bring any of these items back? Still reviewing. First-responder needs – what kinds of things would our congregation find helpful? Should we bring in the local fire/police? TBD
NEW BUSINESS Beth Schoening has requested that we approve the Girl Scouts using the Fellowship Hall on Mondays from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. The council noted that background checks for those in charge and insurance need to be provided to the church office. Missy motioned for this to be approved, with Gail seconding, and council approval with stipulations. A building use form needs to be provided for the sexton. Post-Meeting: Beth required approval to reserve a spot at the Montgomery Township Community Day. Because of the lack of details, late notice, and lack of a plan for staffing and table specifics, the request was denied.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting.