Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Rich Hollenbach led devotions on a Church Health-Loving Relationships. Minutes of the June regular council meeting and the July Special meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise Bailey pointed out that Net Revenue had an increase of $5,600.00 bringing total net revenue year to date to around $49,000.00 which is a positive. All members voted in favor of approving the treasurer’s report. With year-to-date income at $104,061.20 (74%) and operating expenses at $54,642.57 (367%) we have a $49,418.63 surplus.
President’s Report: Hybrid worship continues with in-person and Zoom, recording posted to our Facebook page. We have continued worship with Pastor Bruce Davis who will continue to supply through October. We had Pastor Maggie Ainslie in June and in person in July. I (Rich) will coordinate with her for September.
The Furnace work has been completed and the balance will be paid over three months.
I had hoped that we could relax our masking policy but with the increase of COVID cases the CDC is back to recommending masking while indoors so we will discuss in New Business.
Call Committee:Gail Achilles reported that our Call Team has been interviewing a candidate for Pastor since the end of April and as of August 4 informed the candidate that we all voted to move this candidate forward to our Church Council. More details will follow.
Christian Education: Melissa Prunkel reported that she will be contacting parents of Sunday school students to ask whether they are interested in having Sunday School during the worship service (following all covid protocols) or via zoom. Since Sunday school rooms are not officially open yet Pastor Penman suggested a third option would be to have Sunday School students gather at a park for instance once a month for fellowship, weather permitting of course. Missy stated that she only heard from the Monday Night bible study participants about doing some sort of retreat. Missy is still exploring any interest and retreat ideas. Monday night bible study and Adult Forum will start up again in September.
- Vice President Adam Feldman read the finance team meeting report and added that the Fire Department is planning to do yearly inspections. Adam also brought up the bill for the repair of the Sanctuary air conditioners for $381.45. Rich said that he will put forth this bill through Special Funds.
Evangelism: In Dale Foster’s absence, Gail reported that Faith Lutheran Church is sponsoring a new Compassion International Child named Joao. Joao replaced Vladimir who is no longer in the Compassion International Program. The Prunkel Family kindly volunteered to be Joao’s pen pal. So as of this date, our Church sponsors two children: Joao from Brazil and Bunga from Indonesia (Gail has been Bunga’s pen pal since 2017). Children always appreciate receiving mail so if you ever feel called to write to the children we sponsor, please notify the church office and you will be given the data you need.
Fundraising: Memory Keepers Scrapbooking in Fellowship Hall - 10/22-23 Rich made the motion to tentatively approve now as far as taking reservations for this event and holding the dates. Final approval and covid restrictions to follow will be discussed at September’s council meeting. All council members voted in favor to approve the motion.
Hospitality/Fellowship: Anne Hutnyk reported that she has been cleaning the kitchen and was grateful to Adam for the beautiful job he did in painting the kitchen closet.
Property Team: Vince Hill reported that the fire inspection approved all work that was done. Vince also stated that he took steps to improve safety and security for our church and local community. He explained that Adam temporarily donated a camera which was set up to see the back of the church parking lot and property. Vince said that there were a few instances caught on camera which Adam and he were able to intervene and stop unsafe happenings on church property. Vince would like to talk about procuring two cameras (estimated at $160.00 each) at our September council meeting. Adam informed us that we have signage to inform public “Property is under 24-hour surveillance.” Vince also informed us that Property has solar panels credits that can be sold up to $37.00 each and will wait a few weeks to decide if the time is right to sell them. Rich asked about how far our property goes into the woods behind the parking lot where the pond is located. Vince replied that we are about ten feet past where the water starts.
Social Ministry: Social Ministry is going to be asking for donations of tomato sauce and diced and whole tomatoes for Manna during the month of August. Our goal is 100 cans.
We are looking to have a different donation request each month for September, October and November.
December will be Angel Tree and Gemma (formerly Martin Luther School.)
We are planning on having a meeting in the Fall to plan 2022.
Special Funds: Emergency Exit Signs: $710.93 – Approved and paid. Sanctuary A/C repair request: $381.45 will be handled through Special Funds approval process.
Stewardship: Jack Walls reported that VANCO did a refresh on the app and he will get together something to submit in the Fall about e-giving. Also, Jack will be looking at congregational membership to try and reengage members to come back to the church. Jack is optimistic that this could happen with the installation of a new Pastor.
Worship & Music:Pastor Bruce Davis has been scheduled through the end of October. Will be contacting Pastor Maggie Ainslie for possible September & October 3rdSundays.
Music: The music selection has been working out, but we need a lead singer (which Laura Cooper can do if playing piano but not if playing organ and Rich can do if in attendance) to keep the congregation on track with the music.
Missy brought up whether we can begin to have real flowers on altar. Rich will check on costs and follow up on this decision. Looking to start again in September.
- Update on constitution.We have the draft but waiting until we call a new pastor to continue the work.
- Audit Completed: report submitted on June 17, 2021
- Startup Korean Congregation Request -
- Rich and Janet will have a follow up meeting with Pastor Park to get more clarification on their specific requests. Need to also look at how we can work together to further the kingdom in our community.
- Continuing COVID Restrictions:
- Worship: will continue via zoom and in person. If in person,
- Keep masks – especially for kids
- Singing will be permitted with masks
- No choir singing
- Still have sanitizers
- No reservations needed, no temp checks
- Still no indoor fellowship after church
- Meetings: Rich made the motion that meetings can be in person in the building now but will also be on zoom. In person must adhere to the following guidelines and process meeting request forms through Adam. Jack seconded the motion, and all council members voted in favor to approve the motion.
- Social distancing
- Masks worn
- No food or drink
- Worship: will continue via zoom and in person. If in person,
Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Sharon.
Coffee with Council: This Sunday, August 8, 2021, after worship.