Council was called to order by President Rich Hollenbach. Anne Hutnyk led devotions. Minutes of the June regular council meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report: Council reviewed the June and July 2022 treasurer’s reports. With year-to-date income at $66,160.11 (61%) and operating expenses at $57,530.04 (37%) we have a $8,630.07 surplus at the end of July 2022. Denise Bailey, Treasurer, reported that net revenue for June was a deficit of $1,200 and some change (Rich remarked that Property insurance of $1,785 was paid out in June adding impacting the deficit) but that we were back in the black for July’s net revenue. All members voted to approve the June 2022 and July 2022 Treasurer’s Reports.
President’s Report: Rich reported that Pastor Bruce’s contract as our Supply Pastor has been extended through September 2022. Rich also reported that he and Gail had a meeting with our Dean, Pastor Sarah on Tuesday, August 2, to discuss the compensation packages for Vicar Ethan Doan, our Pastoral Candidate.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Bruce Davis said that he was grateful to have had this time with Faith Lutheran Church and was happy for the extension through September 2022. He also remarked that he would be presiding over a dedication for VBS this Sunday, August 7. He stated that he was happy to have had the time off last weekend to have family time to celebrate his 70th birthday.
Ministry Team Reports:
* Call Committee: On June 2, 2022, the Call Committee received the Rostered Minister Profile (RMP) for Vicar Ethan Doan from Pastor Sarah Aasheim, Dean, Lower Montgomery Conference, Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA. Since that date and after reviewing Vicar Ethan Doan’s RMP, the call committee had two (three-hour) interviews one on June 7 and then one on June 22 with Vicar Ethan. After much prayer and discernment, the Call Committee unanimously voted on July 12 to move Pastor Candidate, Vicar Ethan Doan, forward to meet with Church Council. Some of the reasons included that during the time spent with Vicar Ethan, we found his candor and his openness to share and his ability to listen and respond with heartfelt, Jesus-inspired answers and comments very appealing and informative of the kind of Pastor he could and would be. We were also impressed that he asked us some very good questions and, in our back, and forth conversations we could tell that he took the time to get to know us and had read our Ministry Site Profile (MSP) previously. We also enjoyed his sermons and were spiritually fed. Vicar Ethan’s willingness to meet all members of our congregation where we are at with Jesus’ love and understanding, and with respect and dignity, made a big impression on making this decision. He accepted that same day to continue in the process with Faith Lutheran Church. Vicar Ethan Doan met with Church Council on July 27, 2022, and after questions were asked and answered and much conversation, Council voted 8 to 1 to move forward with Vicar Ethan Doan. Vicar Ethan Doan accepted to take the next steps forward to hopefully become Pastor of Faith Lutheran Church. Gail Achilles, Call Committee Chair.
- Christian Education: Vacation Bible School 2022 Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness (Aug 8 through 12; 9 am to 12 noon). On Sunday, August 7, at the beginning of Worship Service (9:30 am), Pastor Davis will preside over a dedication for our upcoming VBS by joining forces under God of our Volunteers, our Congregation, and the children of our church and in the community, and the service that Jesus, our most Holy Teacher and Servant, calls us to do. We have approximately 30 children enrolled and about 27 volunteers. Thank you for your support!!!
Rally Day will be Sunday, September 11, 2022. Before September, Missy and Gail will send an email to parents of children ages 3 to 11 to inform them of Rally Day and registering for Sunday School.
Sunday Bible School will start the following Sunday, September 18 during 10:30 worship service after “Children’s Sermon.” Sunday School Teachers include Anna Friedrich, Nancy Gansner, Anita Halpern when needed, and Gail Achilles.
We have decided to end Wednesday Whirl Bible School on zoom. Since we have a staff of teachers on board in person for Sunday Bible School, there is no longer a need to offer Wednesday Whirl Bible School on zoom. We praise God that we could offer these virtual lessons for the past two years.
Monday Night Small Group will reconvene on September 19 to discuss what we would like to study. New members are always welcome!
Catechetics: Missy and Gail will be forming a letter to email out to all members of our congregation with children to get the names of those who need instruction for communion and confirmation. We would like to get catechetics started this fall.
- Communications: Jack Walls reported that there have been no updates to our website. He proposed that Rich Hollenbach, Council President, and himself make a video statement before Rally Day to reach out to non-attending members and update them on church happenings. Jack plans to make direct calls to congregational members as well. He will also communicate in all church media that Faith Lutheran Church will be returning to a 10:30 am Worship Service starting on September 4.
- Finance: The Finance Team did not meet this month, but these are the updates. In June of 2022, Giant stopped accepting checks to pay for the Giant Gift Cards that we sell for Fundraising. They will only accept on-line orders that are paid for via credit card. The Fundraising Team has a dedicated account and it is desirable to keep an easy and clean audit trail. Janet Hill applied for and received a debit card from Univest for the Fundraising Account. This will be used to purchase the Giant Gift cards. It will be kept in the safe. Reminder that the Audit Team needs to review our 2021 books. Sharon Hood will be overseeing the 2022 audit this September.
- Fundraising: Besides scrapbooking, people need to plan and run with the ideas for fundraising. Vince Hill reported that Dale Foster texted about having an ice cream social on a Saturday afternoon. If we did this some members suggested having a donation jar available. Also, God willing, if we make it to the meet and greet stage for our pastor candidate Vicar Ethan Doan, Missy suggested we have a congregational hoagie sale and take orders prior to the meet and greet and delivery date of hoagies would be the date of the meet and greet. Rich, once he gets a date confirmed will communicate it so the events can be planned.
- Hospitality/Fellowship: Anne Hutnyk suggested that during announcements before Sunday worship service, we should announce who is on the list for providing the food for the next Sunday’s fellowship. Anne to coordinate with Janet on this addition to announcements. (Note: food donors for the present week as well as the following week are already listed in the bulletin. Perhaps we should all read the bulletin.)
- Mutual Ministry: Will meet with staff in September.
- Property Team: Vince Hill reported that they sold 13 SRECs from solar panels for a total of $525.00 which was put in the General Fund.
- Social Ministry: Sharon Hood reported that June’s social ministry was collecting Men’s personal items; July was our Sabbath month and August’s social ministry is this year’s VBS Monumental fundraiser “Operation Kid to Kid” to collect funds for Native American children to purchase school supplies. Missy will make an announcement about August social ministry this Sunday, August 7.
- Transportation: Linda Kratz reported that Wawa food deliveries have resumed.
- Worship & Music: Pastor Bruce agreement through September 2022; Choir will resume in September; Worship Service will move back to 10:30am starting September 4th.
OLD BUSINESS New Copier – Rich reported that the new copier is coming and will be delivered when it comes into the vendor.
- Parking Request: Council had much discussion on a recent request from the Pinetree Ridge Condominium Association to have parking spaces for commercial vehicles. Pinetree already has a standing agreement with Faith Lutheran Church to register resident’s vehicles to assigned parking spots in the back of our parking lot. Council could not agree to commercial vehicles citing that it may take up too many spaces and open to other community requests to park RVs and such. Vince proposed that he will make an amended copy of our current agreement and send it to council for our approval.
- Position descriptions: Council voted on the updated position descriptions for the Music Director and Sexton. All council members voted in favor of the updated position descriptions for Music Director and Sexton.
- Proposal for Holiday Bazaar: Beth Schoening requested to have the holiday bazaar this year. She has some volunteers lined up. After much discussion, Council felt that our priority is with calling a new pastor and the associated events is enough for the fall and made a counter proposal of a tentative approval for a one-day Spring Fling event in April or May of 2023. Before final approval is given, a complete plan from start to finish and who will be running it must be presented to council by January 2023.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM. Will be a hybrid meeting. Devotions will be led by Linda.